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2 Responses to “Contact Us”

  1. Ray said

    Here is something that may be either totally off or very insightful….Is there a problem between Jodie Meeks and Patterson. It is something that is not too tangible, but let us be honest and realistic in understanding that the magic of college basketball is simply the chemistry betweeen players and for whatever reason, there is no chemistry between Meeks and Patterson. When I watch these past games, I don’t see a University of Kentucky basketball team. I see some really talented athletes playing on the same court and scoring for the same team. When I see teamwork, I see UK scoring and making the plays. Is there an issue between Meeks and Patterson that is hindering the development of chemistry between these extremely talented athletes. There are other obvious needs for this UK team, like the lack of a truely effective point guard or any actual leadership, much less a point guard. Can Coach Gillespie be insightful to address this personal issue? Or is this just a a bunch of hooey? This is an observation of a true fan…who still cheers for Kentucky, even when they do suck.

  2. Jim Craft said

    I may be wrong about this, but as a native of Neon I recall playing pick-up games and Horse with Johnny Cox before he was “stolen” by the people of Hazard, who brillantly either found a better job for his dad, or were instrumental in getting the railroad company to work out a transfer. I think Gobal Ritter was the coach and having married the daughter of Letcher County’s Judge Caudill, had first-hand knowledge of the workings of Neon, as did Mayor Willie Dawahare, who grew up in Neon. The people of Neon were upset, to say the least, me included, but there’s no doubt it was a great transition for Johnny and his family, as well as Hazard basketball.

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